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Volunteer Coordinator Wanted - FILLED

By Rapids Communications, 11/20/24, 7:15AM PST


12/3/24 Update - This position is filled. 


Announcing an incredible opportunity on Steering Committee!    Send inquiries or questions to the Rapids Chair.


Position: Volunteer Coordinator (reports to Secretary)

Term: 2 Years

Steering Committee Voting Privileges: Yes


The Volunteer Coordinator oversees the club's volunteer program. You're the point person for the Team Managers and support them throughout the season. 

"I loved getting to know so many families throughout the entire club. I enjoyed supporting the Team Managers who were so dedicated to the success of their teams!" --- Cindy Tisher, a previous volunteer Coordinator. So true... this role is perfect for someone who enjoys meeting new people and high fives with the tight knit crew of team managers.  You'll be at he heart of our Rapids community! 

An outline of the responsibilities is below. More detail can be found in the Rapids Guidebook.

  • Annually creates and maintains Team Manager Guidebook and Parent Welcome Packet
  • Recruits Team Managers with recommendations from individual team coaching staff with approval from the Executive Board
  • Annually creates and distributes Team Manager team binders in partnership with Registrar
  • Attends all teams’ pre-season meetings to explain volunteer requirements
  • Trains all Team Managers and communicates with them throughout the season regarding job duties
  • Supports Team Managers’ communication with families regarding volunteer needs and opportunities
  • Acts as liaison between Team Managers and Executive Board
  • Manages Dibs -  Includes coordinating with Team Managers and the SportsEngine Administrator to ensure Dibs tasks for all teams’ practices, games, jamborees, tournaments (home and away) as well as other organizational events throughout the season are organized and entered into the system. 
  • Creates additional volunteer opportunities as needed, with direction from the Executive Board based on Team Manager and Head Coach recommendations
  • Coordinates with Tournament Director to determine volunteer needs for home tournaments and ensures execution of volunteer roles
  • Tracks all families’ volunteer hours (tournament and non-tournament) for reimbursement of volunteer fee
  • Coordinates with Finance Director to issue volunteer fee refunds



  • Most importantly your efforts will have a direct effect on the experience the athletes and their families have with the Rapids each season. 

  • You will have a direct say and input in the direction of the club. 

  • Members of the committee with children in the club receive a $1000 credit against their athlete's team fees. This refund/credit is distributed at the end of the season. 



  • Attend Monthly Steering Committee Meetings

  • Contribute the time needed to effectively support the responsibilities of this role. 

  • Provide consistent communications to the designated member of the Executive Committee (Secretary).